Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018

This week has been busy-ish but super hot and humid. Every breath was like taking a drink of water.... 

Monday we actually got around to washing our car which was really nice. 

Tuesday we were fairly busy... With school starting up this week and work for a lot of people, we had some appointments drop. 

Wednesday was nice, we started with interviews with President Lebethoa and afterwards he came out proselyting with us. We had a powerful appointment with him, he invited the mama to pray about the Book of Mormon 

and there she went in the middle of the lesson and knelt down and pray. It was cool. I hope she progresses... we met her drunk and she told us she wanted to change. 

Thursday we had zone conference... It was a really nice one about a lot of the admin and process to get people prepared for baptism. Pres Lebethoa is a pretty funny guy because he understands township humor. We had a great lunch too. Haha, we as zone leaders decided to all wear the same tie, that we all bought on different occasions without really knowing we all had it. 

Friday I was on exchanges with Elder Tshwane in my area and we had a really powerful day. Elder Palavi and I recently re-activated a brother named Lulama, and he came fellowshipping with us. It was really fun, he's awesome. We enjoyed the exchange a lot and had some great appointments. 

Saturday I was on another exchange with Elder Dlokova. We got to help with the stake choir (i was playing piano) and it was awesome. One of the best stake choirs I've heard (including Utah sorry to say haha). We're practicing for stake conference coming up on the 3rd of Feb. The stake pres. is conducting it and he's really flamboyant haha. It's cool. 

Sunday was nice, we got fed by a mama who's back for holiday as a nurse from Abu Dhabi in UAE. It's cool, she was telling us how there is a stake there with wards from Qatar and all of those nations except Syria. Pretty cool stuffs. 

Remember Msi (Anderson) Bikitsha? 

He got endowed a few weeks back... he's the branch clerk right now in Mthatha and is putting in an appeal to serve mission (he's too old). Pretty cool stuffs.

Aside from that, it was a great week, and I'm excited for this possible last one with Elder Palavi, it'll be sad if he leaves though... we'll see come Saturday

Until next week!
Elder Smtih

Msi (Anderson) Bikitsha Baptism in Mthatha

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