Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017

Hey everyone! 15 months down and a lot of things happening. 

Haha after we emailed last Monday and went to the Dermatologist, we went to play sport at Amalinda Chapel. Long story short, our family home evening was spent in the hospital, with Elder Palavi's leg in a cast. Luckily it wasn't a bad break so he didn't have to go home from mission, but it's been a learning experience for both of us with him on crutches. But we haven't let that slow the work down at all. 

This week we've been really busy trying to make contacts with our less actives and set some baptismal dates with our investigators. It's looking like we might get one or two in December which is really exciting. 

Tuesday we spent most of the morning in MLC addressing some things. President Lebethoa is great and he has some nice direction for the mission. It's crazy the year is done just around the corner. Sister Davies (from St George) and Sister Stevenson are the best cooks ever. We had a nice lunch of enchilada's and salad and cookies. It was super. I hope I can find a wife that can cook like them someday. 

Saturday I was on exchanges with Elder Warren. We had an awesome time together and he's a great missionary. He was Elder Milne's last companion before he came to Cape Town. We had some great lessons. 

Sunday was really nice. We had a combined ward primary program and I had to play the piano which was fun. Yo, these kids are rowdy though haha. Afterwards Elder Hawkins and Warren had a baptism and following that we watched a really awesome Face to Face broadcast for YSA with Elder Oaks and Ballard. It's amazing to always learn from the apostles. 

Funny story, we were driving to an appointment and we drove past a bar and I noticed one of the drunk guys had an old University of Utah sweater on. (Shows you how awesome church humanitarian efforts are, and how far reaching they are). Needless to say, I had to get a picture with him. Haha, funny times. 

Well until next week, 

Elder Smith

Don't forget leg day

Lunch Time

U of U Brotha

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