This week has been ups and downs.
We started the week of course with Bro Alan's tour.
Tuesday - Friday we were really busy... We're having trouble finding fellowshippers so we've been reshuffling our teaching pool to include more males 16+, so we can teach them. Of course the downside is we've had to drop quite a few appointments with sisters (some naturally disappeared being Rhodes students so they're at home now for winter vacation).
We've found two cool kids, one is Siyabonga and the other is Ibanathi.
Siyabonga we met on the street, he's been investigating the JW a bit but we were able to sit down and share some messages with him. He actually came to church on sunday which was awesome! I'm proud of him. Hopefully we'll be able to see a continuation of the progress he's having.
Ibanathi is a cool kid, he studies at Graeme College. The cool part is he plays drums in the jazz band so he and I get along really well. He's been reading the Book of Mormon really well so it's exciting to see his growth as he learns it, last appointment he brought some friends too, cool stuff.
Sunday was nice, it was weird cause a BYU professor showed up for sacrament meeting and told me I had an accent. Weird stuff. We also had 2 da's, one from Sister Remi the R.S. president from Sierra Leone, and the other with the Branch President's family.
Cool Stuff.
Until next week
Elder Smith